Maximum Ride is a series of young adult fantasy novels by author James Patterson, with a manga adaptation published by Yen Press. The series focuses on the adventures of Maximum "Max" Ride and his family, called Flock, which is a hybrid of humans born with wings after experimenting in a laboratory called The School. The series is inspired by but not a reboot of Patterson's previous novel When the Wind is blowing and The Lake House .
Video Maximum Ride
The Angel Experiment
The first book in the series by James Patterson gives an overview of Flock: Maximum Ride (leader), Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel. These children, ages 6 to 14, are far from normal. They are only 98% human, while the other 2% are poultry, giving them wings and special powers, with changing body characteristics. This book covers some of Flock's back stories, explaining how they ended up alone in their remote mountain home. It also includes an antagonistic half-human half-wolf creature known as an Eraser. The youngest Flock member, Angel, was kidnapped by Erasers and taken back to the school, the laboratory where they were genetically altered and raised in a cage. Max, Fang and Nudge leave their home in an effort to rescue Angel, while Iggy and Gasman are forced to stay behind. While Max, Fang and Nudge leave their home, Iggy and Gasman make bombs to protect themselves from the Erasers. Max then keeps a girl who later became known as Ella. This caused Fang and Nudge to Lake Mead, their plan to stop. Max was then shot on the shoulder and sought help from Ella's mother, Dr. Valencia Martinez. When Dr. Martinez did an X-ray scan on Max, they found that microchips (described by Dr. Martinez as tracking chips used for vital animals like dogs show) were planted in Max. Meanwhile, Iggy and Gasman make a trap for Erasers and succeed where they set the Hummer upside down, but the Eraser still survives. The two were then surrounded by an eraser in the abandoned cabin and used their bombs (known as the Big Boy) and flew to Lake Mead. Turning back on track to find Max, Nudge noticed that they were close to Tipisco, where Nudge's parents lived. After visiting the scene, Fang and Nudge realize that they are in a trap that resulted in Fang being wounded by Ari, a seven-year-old boy who turned into Eraser and has an appearance as a middle-aged man, moments later. they had escaped to the mountain home at first. Immediately, Fang heals and flies to Lake Mead. Max meets Fang and Nudge and then meets Iggy and Gasman. The rest of the Flock is finally captured by the Eraser and sent to the School. When arrested, Angel learns about the Institute, later known as "The Institute of Higher Living", from reading the mind (one of its powers), a place in New York City that may keep some secrets into their past. The Flock escapes School and with the happy reconciliation of all Flocks along with Max has a huge headache that is described as a brain explosion which then theorized when his brain made room for Voice (other than hers) that appeared on his head. With Flock unsure whether the voice was a friend or foe, Max decided to follow his vague instructions. The voice directs Max and Flock to The Institute, where they find a lab similar to The School and information about their unknown parents. At the Institute, Flock also found several mutants and released him. Angel then took a pet dog named Total with him and escaped with Flock. When they run away, Max must fight with Ari and win by breaking his neck bone by accident. The book ends with the Flock who started their journey to Washington D.C., looking for their parents.
School's Out - Forever
The Flock to Washington, D.C., where they hope to find answers to their origins. However, after Fang was badly wounded by Ari, the seven-year-old Eraser who had had a relationship with Flock, and was taken to the hospital, Flock was accommodated by an FBI agent named Anne Walker on an agreement that he was allowed to check them "from a distance." The Flock enjoyed a rare period of peace, even attending private schools, which were later discovered as a former mental hospital. Life was good for them then, as Max saw it, but they often saw the Erasers, and the relationship between Max and Sam, and Fang and Lissa (called Max as "The Red Haired Wonder"), began to cause tension within Flock. After Iggy and Gasman lit a smelly bomb at school, Flock 'on earth'. After Max heard the television, he found Iggy's parents and met the lost parents, where he decided to stay there. He then returns to the herd after he knows his parents want to make money from him. An ordeal at their school, where Max is attacked by a teacher with a Tasers, produces a Flock that escapes from school. Angel later stated that they went to Florida, and since there was no better plan, Max agreed. Later, Flock learns that a multi-national company called Itex is planning to destroy the world, based on what the Angel heard when he was kidnapped back in School, and also tracked Flock's movement. Earlier, Anne had revealed herself as Jeb's boss, as it was also a member of the lab who created Flock, and attempted to capture them again. Max was arrested at a hotel called the Twilight Inn shortly thereafter and was replaced by a copy of himself, Max II. Max was then arrested and placed in an isolation tank where he lost his senses. Max was temporarily taken by Jeb, Ari's father, when he briefly explained the situation to Max before he was caught and had to leave the room, while Max was sent back to the insulation tank. Soon after, he ran away by playing dead. After that, Max faces Max II, and learns he's destined to destroy Max II or Max II kill him. However, he proved he was stronger by not killing the clones, saying to scientists, "I am stronger, because I will not kill this girl for you, I will not drown to your pathetic level." The Gasman then installed a bomb that destroyed the basement floor and they fled, ending the book.
Save the World and Other Extreme Sports
The Flock must save the world from Itexicon Corporation (the company behind the School, also connected to the Institute for Higher Living) and its Director, who plans to stop and destroy all recombinant species and cut the Earth's population by half (or known as the Half Plan). The eraser has been replaced with flying, Flock robot eraser dubbed "Flyboys". Meanwhile, Fang tries to persuade Max (with a very long kiss) to find a permanent home where they can live in peace and forget the world, only caring about themselves and Flock. Although, soon, Flock is trapped again and Jeb and Anne say that the last five months are a dream. Ari frees Flock and lets them escape. Max invites Ari to join the group after fleeing the School once more, causing Fang to leave Flock in protest, joining Iggy and Gasman. However, Ari died on expiration date.
Final Warning
Herds flew out of government meetings set up to decide what officials thought was best for them. Then they went to Antarctica at Jeb Batchelder and Dr. Valencia Martinez, where a team of scientists needs their help in studying marine pollution levels. There they are against an international organization headed by Director Uber, who intends to auction the Flock to corrupt foreign state leaders to use as weapons and/or mercenaries. When Angel, Total, and Akila chase baby penguins in the middle of a snowstorm, they are trapped inside a cliff. After Max and Fang rescue them, the group is forced to take refuge in a cave-hole to remain safe due to a terrible snow storm. In the middle of this, Uber Director's team found them and arrested them along with Nudge, Gazzy, and Iggy. On the way to Miami, Flock defeated Director Uber in the storm and made their escape. Meanwhile, Total grows his own wings and falls in love with Akila, an Alaskan Malamute. Max and Fang kiss each other several times, leading Max to confess his feelings more than ever.
MAX: Maximum Travel Trip
The Flock was attacked by a group of bionic robots (called Max M-Geeks nicknames) at environmental awareness events in Los Angeles and Mexico City. Later, the government expanded their assistance in finding out what destroyed hundreds of ships and killed millions of fish off the coast of Hawaii. Max is also looking for his mother who mysteriously disappears from the hiding house. Mutant mysterious creatures appear near the sub so Angel suddenly dives to chat with it. It ended up helping the gang. During this mission, Max, Fang, and others discover many other abilities, such as underwater breathing.
Fang: Maximum Travel Trip
The herd went to Africa where they met Dr. Hans Gunther-Hagen, a former worker of Itex, and Dylan, another human-poultry hybrid designed to be the "half-perfect half" of the other Max. After the prophetic statement of the Angel stating that Fang would be the first to die, Max traumatized and started spending more time with him. Dylan joins Flock, and they return to their newly built house in the mountains. Max and Fang leave Flock because they are expelled by Angel, who thinks they are more focused on their personal relationship than the dangers around him. Angel became the new leader of the Flock and got rid of the rules Max set for them. Eventually the group was reunited, but Fang was arrested by Dr. Hans and, while he was experimenting, his heart stopped. Max admits that he loves him to try to wake him up before stabbing his heart with an adrenaline shot and reviving him. Dylan injected himself in a suicide attempt, but failed. In the epilogue, Total is married and Fang writes Max and the mail flock says he has decided it would be better for them all if he leaves. He then goes to form his own flock after pouring his heart into Max. He tells Max that if everything works out, he'll meet him at the top of the cliff where they first met the eagle in twenty years. Max and the others are destroyed.
Angel: Maximum Traveling Trip
Max, unable to forget the fact that Fang had left him forever, went to live with Dr. Martinez. During that time, they learned that the organization known as the Doomsday Group was brainwashing people. Max slowly starts to warm up for Dylan despite his mixed feelings in the sixth book. Meanwhile, Fang started his own gang that included Max clones, now called Maya. The two teams joined in Paris, though they did not really fit, to stop the Doomsday Group killing themselves and those brainwashed to save the planet. Max gets hurt even more after Fang asks him to come and help them, causing great tension between them. Everything went awry when Gazzy failed to disarm all the bombs below the gathering place, and the bomb exploded when Fang, Gazzy, and Angel were still within blast radius. Fang and Gazzy manage to get out safely, but Angel is gone, leaving everyone heartbroken. Angel's epilogue reveals that he's still alive, though his whereabouts remain a mystery.
The story begins when Max and the remaining herd members must go to regular school. Even though Max is not happy about it, he can not say no to Dylan. Meanwhile, Fang's gang was caught when they were attacked by two convoy trucks. Inside the convoy truck there is something interesting: Max's brother, Ari, who has not yet risen from the dead. But not only that; There are also more Erasers along with Ari. They have been found by them because Kate and Star have betrayed them. The fight ends when Maya (Max's Clone, aka Max II) dies in Fang's arms. He did not want to hurt anyone in his gang so he told them to go home and forget all that had happened to him. He was then told by Voice that he should return to Max. As he travels on foot (one of the bones in Fang's wings is broken in a fight with Ari), Fang meets with some people who ask if he needs a ride. He was finally thrown off a cliff. When Max and Dylan leave school, Dylan realizes that he forgot his book in the teacher's room. While there, the science teacher tells Dylan that if he respects Max's life, he will do the mission that Doctor Gunther-Hagen wants. He is told that the doctor has found something in Fang's blood that many scientists want, so he tells Dylan that he must kill Fang or they will kill Max. That night, Fang arrived at the door of Flock. Max could not help but hold her. When Ari and Jeb arrive to kill Fang, they learn that Fang's DNA contains the secret of immortality. Dylan, after escaping, returns and tries to kill Fang, but can not do it when Max tells him not to do it. All the Flocks are picked up by Max's mother, and they go to the island of heaven where they will survive the approaching apocalypse. When the world suddenly burns (though they first believe that doomsday is in the form of a terrible virus), Angel is revealed to be Max's Voice and Dylan comes flying into the rescue. Fang and Max think they die in their arms, because Max finally decides who he really loves, but they do not die. The world has adapted so that only mutants can live in it; half of it is water, which is why Flock evolved to have gills. The other half has high cliffs, so Flock can stay there, have wings. In the end, they did not save the world enough, but they saved each other. Although billed as the last book in the series, it is considered second from the back after the May 18, 2015 release Maximum Ride Forever .
Maximum Ride Forever
The ninth book in the Maximum Ride series was announced for release on January 19, 2015, but later the release date was changed to May 4, 2015, then revised to May 18, 2015. Like the previous book, it was advertised as the final book in the series. In the story, Max and Flock once again live in an apocalyptic world. The herd survives from the apocalypse and the aftershocks, though Dr. Martinez and Ella are not. They left their island in the Pacific, after Dylan was believed to have died, to see that Australia was destroyed. The new animals considered 'Cryenas' tracked them down and killed Akila, while wounding some other flock members. The herd decided to go their own way, with Max, Nudge, Fang, and Total going back to their island, Iggy and Gasman to Pennsylvania to find survivors whom they contacted online, and Angel going to Russia. Angel shows Fang his vision of his death, and after spending the night with Max, he leaves the flock to go to California. They all parted and Max and Nudge met the mutated species Aquatics. Max decides that what he's looking for (Dylan, his mother, Ella, and answer to his question) does not exist and leaves. Nudge stays behind and is suspected of being killed by Horseman, a mutant created by Remedy, a power-hungry scientist and determined to rid the world of his genetic imperfection. In Pennsylvania, Iggy and Gasman were arrested by a group of surviving women, but later killed by Horseman. Max flies to the eastern coast of the United States to see him completely destroyed, making friends with a mutant that looks more like a bird than a human named Harry. Fang was almost killed by two teenagers who were brainwashed by the Doomsday philosophy, but were rescued by Star who then took off. Angel moves west across the Canada-US border recruitment for his troops in Russia, near the underground settlement of Remedy, Himmel. Fang finds Dylan against a bunch of Horsemen (who look as an Eraser, but a sophisticated and "updated" version) and tries to help him but falls unconscious and is killed. Angel and Dylan find Max and explain that Fang is really dead, but the death of others is faked by Dylan, who acts as Horseman so that Remedy will stop hunting them down. Everyone met in Russia and wars waged against Remedy and his troops. Max and Dylan find Remedy who has nuke tied to him to leave if he's killed. Max drags Remedy to the sky, and he explains that his new Horsemen will be further evolution and the Max generation will die. When Max reveals that she is pregnant with Fang's child, Remedy tries to detonate the bomb, but Nudge, Gazzy, and Iggy have hacked it, leaving useless bombs. Max drops Remedy until his death. Dylan reveals to Max that Fang has been arrested in stasis and that he can revive him if Max wants it. Max says that he wants him to live, and Dylan brings Fang back, sacrificing himself. For four years, the entire army lived in the underground settlements when they allowed the nuclear winter to pass. Once safe for them to go, the mutants travel to Peru where they settled on the Incan ruins. The book ends with a four-year-old son of Phoenix, Max and Fang, starting his first flying lesson.
Maps Maximum Ride
Maximum Ride
Maximum Ride (known only as Max) is the title character and main protagonist of the series. She grew up in the lab. She is 14 years old (15 in Fang , Angel , and Nevermore ) of the poultry-human hybrid and Flock leader. The hair color is different throughout the book, depicted as dark as the sun tan ( MAX ) and the blond lights ( School's Out Forever , Storing the World and Other Extreme Sports >). She has brown skin and brown eyes. Max is 5'8 "and weighs 97 pounds, as described in The Final Warning He has a wingspan of 13 feet and a half Hispanic as described in Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports
Fang is 14 years old (15 in the last three books). He is the second person of Flock and Max's best friend (then his girlfriend). He's only four months younger than Max. Fang can completely disappear by remaining still and calm. He is somewhat stronger than the rest of the herd, often suffering near-fatal wounds, as in books one and two. Fang almost always wore dark clothes and seemed to always sneak at Max. She has dark hair, blue/black and eyes with olive skin. He is believed to have DNA raven because of his black wings that have a purple/blue shimmer. He has a wingspan of fourteen feet. In The Angel Experiment , he found out that the School took him after he was born. When his mother told him, the doctor told him that he had died. Fang decides that he does not want to find his mother, he is not much older than his own age when he has it. He's kind of quiet, but cares very much about Flock. He is usually very silent, and seems quite mysterious, always hiding his feelings. He runs a blog about Flock's adventures that proved useful in some books, such as at School's Out - Forever . In the The Angel Experiment , Max kisses Fang when he is injured. At School's Out - Forever, she is seen kissing "Red-Haired Wonder," Lissa. He and Max quarrel about this, but after that they make up. In Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports , he kissed Max. In Final Warning , Fang seems to like Dr. Brigid Dwyer, who worked with Flock on their missions to Antarctica, and Max became jealous of the resulting tension between the two. In Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports , when Ari joined the flock, Fang decided to lead half of Flock and leave Max with his stepbrother. He then returns, reunited at the end of an epic battle consisting of a troop of his blog followers, where Ari "ends". Fang left the Flock again at the end of Fang because Dylan, Max "the other half was perfect", and because Angel had predicted that Fang would be the first to die; Therefore, because he knows that by dying, he will put others in danger, he leaves. Everyone is upset with this, especially Max, but he finds a later letter that he wrote to him saying that if in 20 years the world is not over, he'll meet him on the cliff where they learn to fly like a hawk.
In Angel , Fang becomes the leader of the new Flock (aka 'Fang's Gang') which includes Ratchet, Star, Kate, Holden, and Maya (clone Max), which helped him try to stop the Doomsday Group. When he realizes he can not stop the Doomsday Group himself, he enlists the help of Max's Flock. Max and Fang seem to grow apart and start liking different people. In addition, Fang starts to have feelings for Maya, trying to replace Max. However, he later realizes that Maya is different from Max, and begins to treat him differently, though in his heart, he still loves Max. After the planned H day, Fang goes with his flock, leaving Max and his flock in the Paris ruins, searching for Angel (the missing one).
In "Nevermore", Fang hears 'Voice' and returns for Max, after breaking one of his wings. He and Max grow together after he comes back and leave his 'Gang'. It took some time, but eventually they loved each other again. Fang manages to kill some erasers and sees Dylan killing Ari. After that, when Dylan tries to kill Fang, Max realizes that he wants to be with Fang for the rest of his life. When Doctor Martinez (Max's mother) took them and Flock to the paradise island, she and Max resumed their previous relationship. When she and Max escape to the perfect perch, she tells him that she loves him for the first time, just before they are hit by a tsunami. When they are both saved, Max tells Fang that he loves her too.
Fang died in "Maximum Ride Forever", but he was revived when Dylan sacrificed himself for his life and Max was happy. Fang and Max later had a baby girl named Phoenix.
Iggy is 14, six months younger than Max (15 in the last three books), and the third commander of the Flock. She is usually sarcastic, 6'0 ", has very pale skin, whitish blond hair, very cold blue eyes, and 14 foot wings.Eggy is described as very handsome, especially because" invisible, yet charming. , eye. "He is one of two herd members to meet his parents, the other is Max.His name was revealed to be James Griffiths When he found his parents, he learned that he was kidnapped by the school when he was about 4 months old, at first, Iggy decided to leave Flock to live with his parents, but then left when he found out that his parents did not want to have him back and just wanted to use him to make money from his story.Because Whitecoats' experiment to improve Iggy is effectively blind, although he can see if the surroundings are white and can identify people by feeling their fingerprints and feel their wings.He can also feel the color, Despite his blindness, Flock often handed everything to him t require precision or detail, such as cooking and medicine.The senses are also the best of the flock due to kebutaa even though he sometimes suffers from hatred for his blindness and the resulting dependence of the Flock it creates. He and The Gasman are good friends and have a habit of building bombs from almost anything and blow them up, including alarm clocks. Iggy and Ella, Max's half-sister, also showed signs of growing affection for each other in Angel, which eventually culminated in a joint kiss at Nevermore.
Nudge is 11 years old (12 on Fang , Angel , and Nevermore ), has brown skin, and has hair curly brown, curly, long, and dark brown. Described as Max's best supporter and peacemaker, he likes Max over Fang and can not live without him. The wings are often said to be brownish, almost creamy. His real name was revealed to be Monique , and he managed to trace who he believed to be his mother because of the similarity in skin color, but never met him because he was attacked by Ari. He is "motormouth" as Max has said several times in books. The Flock calls him Nudge Channel because when he wakes up, "all Nudge, all the time." She likes fashion, especially about hair, clothes, and make-up. Nudge can hack computers with the ability to sense the remaining emotion, also called psychometrics, and he can draw metal toward him with will, like a magnet. From the herd, Nudge is the one who most longs for the normality of the lives of other children their age; at MAX , when Jeb offers Flock to stay at school day and night, Nudge wants to stay and cut his wings.
The Gasman (Gazzy)
The Gasman (Gazzy) is 8 years old (9 in Fang , Angel and Nevermore ) with blonde hair, blue eyes, brown/brown wings with a wingspan of 10 feet. He is Angel's biological brother, and they are the only blood related brother of Flock. He has a naughty nature and mocks Max occasionally. He and Iggy are experts at building and installing bombs and explosives, as Max states, "You can lock Gasman in a soft cell with some dental floss and a bowl of Jell-O, and he'll find a way to make something explode." It was revealed that his parents sold him and Angel to School when they were very young. Gasman's most useful ability is to perfectly imitate any sound. Max and Fang find the baby photo of Gazzy when they go check what they think is the old house of Gazzy and Angel; the Flock saw the image many times accidentally and sometimes deliberately throughout the series. He is called The Gasman because he spends a lot of gas, because of problems with his digestive system. In addition, he then develops a "skill": he can produce large "mushroom-shaped" gas clouds.
Angel is 6 years old (7 in Max , Fang , Angel and Nevermore ), with blue eyes and curly blond hair. Angel is also the sibling of The Gasman (Gazzy). The wings are pure white and 8 ft (9 feet in Fang). He gets random-looking power at random times, but his most prominent strength, which lasts throughout the series, is the ability to read and control thoughts.
In The Angel Experiment , he used his power to convince a woman to buy her expensive teddy dolls named Celeste. He gained the ability to hold his breath underwater and swim in deep water with the pressure that would destroy normal humans and transform his appearance into a 'bird's paradise' shape and change the color of his skin and eyes; However, upon initial recognition, this power was never mentioned again, except when he was trapped under the snowstorm in Endowment , but the effort was unsuccessful. He usually mistakenly becomes helpless and innocent, but he is really very smart and dangerous. His ability to control the minds of people gives him extreme power.
In Fang , Angel believes that he is the strongest of Flock, and holds the sound, while kicking Max out of the group. He also has a 'Voice' on his head, like Max, but Flock is unaware of this. Angel is depicted as a calculation, cruel, and unstable in Fang , and has pointed the gun to Max to make the enemy backwards.
In Angel, he seems to have calmed some of the extreme changes in his personality that took place in Fang, and helped Max to balance his feelings with Fang and Dylan. He seems satisfied with his role and no longer offers for power, but suggests Max, who is still suspicious of him. In the end, he volunteered to disguise himself in a new evil organization (The Doomsday Group). He disappeared after he and Gazzy failed to defuse the bomb, and the others thought he was dead. In fact, he was held at an unknown location, and kept saying that he was "the most superior".
In Nevermore , Angel is captured by The School again. After a lot of tests, they show Angel videos. Angel starts to cry when she realizes the video is an Iggy operation that has blinded her forever. He sees the scientists and cuts Iggy's eyes until the whitecoat tells him that they will do the same operation on him. After the surgery, Angel loses his sight temporarily and almost dies in the fire until Max and Flock come to save him. As they escape to the 'tropical paradise', the world is being destroyed and he admits that Max is the Voice, and he has for many years.
In Maximum Ride Forever, Angel was initially untrustworthy by Max but eventually called him "a small prophet," leading a safe and mutant team against Remedy after a vision of the Doomsday caused by Remedy.
Dylan is a poultry-human hybrid that joins Flock at Fang . He is said to be Max "the other half perfectly", causing Max to refer to him as "Perfect Mr.", though Max and Fang are very in love when they meet. He has a height of six feet two inches with a wingspan of 15 feet and a brown wing, and is usually described as handsome, with dark blond hair and turquoise blue eyes, and is said to have a beautiful singing voice. He fell in love with Max, but he was programmed by scientists to feel that way. Because of this, he and Fang did not see eye-to-eye until the end of Nevermore . He was also made in the laboratory, created from copies of a boy who died in a car accident in a Canadian country. She is 8 months old in Fang. He learned how to fly when Max taught him by pushing him off the roof. Her relationship with Max was complicated, but she finally started to like it. In Fang she is described as a bit gentle, but seems to grow the spine, even arguing with Max in Angel. The most important argument in Angel starts at the beginning of the book with Dylan and Max arguing about how sad Max has been since Fang left him. Dylan can heal himself almost instantly by placing his own saliva in his wound and pressing it. In addition, he has excellent vision and predictability.
In Angel , Max finds a new award for Dylan, and romance is triggered, though Max is usually confused and therefore rude. The first time Max lets Dylan comfort him is in the desert where they hugged. Though she's confused, she allows him to get closer and closer to her.
Later, in the book Nevermore, Dylan was told by 'Voice' that he had to catch Max's heart with all his might, so he took him to the tree house he made himself and kissed her later. Later, Fang reappears after his clan is destroyed and Max realizes his mistake, choosing to be with Fang, not a clone with a preprogrammed feeling. Dylan goes on a rampage, destroying parts of the city and even trying to kill Fang. Dylan is invisible, so Dr. Martinez took advantage of her opportunity and whispered the original flock to a tropical paradise. Dylan shows up and declares that he'll be there for Max when the world ends so they'll die together. Max annoyed but did not respond to him. Because the meteor will destroy the planet, Dylan will herd hybrid kids into an intricate underground cave. In the end, Dylan helps pull Max out of the water after the apocalypse.
In Maximum Ride Forever , Dylan seems to be killed but the fact is kidnapped by Remedy and turned into Horseman. However, he became aware that the transformation was unsuccessful because he still had free will; when assigned to kill the flock, instead of doing so, he forged their deaths so that no other Horseman was sent to actually kill them. Finally, Dylan despairs but earnestly accepts that Max will always love Fang and he can not be with him. He decides to sacrifice himself to bring Fang back to life to make Max happy.
Phoenix is the daughter of Fang and Max, pregnant and born in the ninth book, Maximum Ride Forever . Phoenix has Fang's black hair and wings and Max's brown eyes, though the wings are more blue and his eyes light. The series ends with Phoenix receiving his first flying lesson.
Total is the black Scottie kept by Angel from the Institute at the end of The Angel Experiment. He is described as having the characteristic Scottish terrier. When Total was rescued from the Institute, he was portrayed looking similar to Toto from The Wizard of Oz, which would make him a Cairn terrier. The total character is not fully developed until School's Out Forever , when it is known that he has the ability to speak. He is often funny and dramatic, exemplified when he was shot in the tail and not injured, but still exaggerate injuries. Despite his dramatic nature, he can become an adult when he wants and will not tolerate being treated like a normal dog - even going as far as eating on a table with the other flock. At the end of Fang , Total married Akila, an Alaskan Malamute whom she met in Antarctica at Maximum Ride: The Final Warning . Found Total Think Hot Tricia Helfer at Angel when they will go to ComicCon in San Diego. He is known as a cultural buff, including theater and cuisine. He has the ability to jump to extraordinary heights, and eventually grow his own small wings. Total is very loyal to Angel because he is the one who found him in the underground lab at N.Y.C.
The Akila is the 80-ton Malamute Alaskan with no special strength that meets the Total in Antarctica in Last Warning and becomes Total wife at the end of Fang . He belongs to Dr. Papa, one of the scientists on the ship brought sheep to Antarctica. Akila was killed by Cryenas in the last book in the series, "Maximum Ride Forever".
Dr. Jeb Batchelder
Jeb Batchelder is a brilliant scientist. He is 73 years old. He used to work at the School where Flock experimented, but felt sorry for them and then decided they were out of school. He lived with Flock deep in the mountains for two years, where he taught them basic survival skills and fighting ways so they can defend themselves. Max refers to Jeb as the closest thing he has ever had with a father, though later his feelings for him are not so good. Jeb then disappears, leaving Flock alone to fend for himself. The Flock thinks Jeb is dead, but he reappears in the first book. In The Angel Experiment , the herd found Jeb back in School when they were arrested again. Initially this made Flock believe he was a traitor, but he then returned to Flock and helped them on various occasions. Jeb is Ari's biological father and Max. Max does not believe him after discovering his identity. Jeb was shot in the sixth book, but he proved to be making a steady recovery. Although Jeb and Dr. Martinez is Max's biological parents, there is only a professional relationship between them. Max trusts Dr. Martinez, but usually wary of Jeb. Jeb donated his chromosome, which was matched with Dr. Martinez to create Max. In Angel , Jeb tells Max that he should breed with Dylan after the world ends, and then disappears with Max's mother. After Max thinks that Jeb is the Voice in his head, but in The Last Warning , he reveals that he "can do sound, but not sound", confusing Max. Jeb keeps saying things to him is a test. Throughout the series, Max's feelings for Jeb are at odds, ranging from family love to the most profound hatred. This feeling is ultimately challenged in Maximum Ride Forever when Max meets Jeb helping Remedy in Himmel. After realizing his share in destroying the world, Max starts to strangle him but can not force himself to kill him; after letting him fall, Jeb wore him and threatened to inject him with an "increase" serum, but he was killed by Fang's gang who came to save him.
The Eraser , created by the School in Death Valley, is a half-human hybrid, half a wolf raised by the School to be a guard, but their larger mission then involves hunting down and even killing members of Flock. Their strength is superhuman strength, but they also end up getting wings that are roughly grafted onto their shoulder blades. They have a life span of about 4 years to reach maturity and about a year or two to hunt Flock. Jeb's son Ari, who turned into Eraser at a very young age, was one of the last to die when Itex 'retired' all the Erasers and replaced them with Flyboys, Robot Eraser with synthetic leather attached to their robotic structure. The erasers were initially killed because they were 'out of date' very quickly, but they made a surprise appearance on Ari Batchelder
Ari is Jeb's son who changed to Eraser when Jeb helped Flock escape from school. In The Angel Experiment, he was killed by Max in the ditch of New York but revived in the second book. He thinks his father Jeb Batchelder does not care about him, which is part of the reason he hates Max for being jealous and chasing and terrorizing the Flock. However, later confirms that Jeb cares about Ari, because in The Angel Experiment, after Max fights with and kills Ari, Jeb cries for Ari and calls after Max, telling him that he has killed his own brother. He is Max's younger half-brother because they have the same father, Jeb. When Ari was only seven years old, Whitecoats used it as an experiment to see if Erasers would be stronger if they mutated after birth. The DNA of wolves turns Ari into a "super eraser", though he always morphed in part. Ari lives back and is grafted with wings in accordance with Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports. According to Angel, Ari loves and hates Max at the same time. In Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports , Max and Fang got into a fight because after Ari had released them from school, Max was convinced he was no longer evil. The Flock parted: Max, Nudge, Angel, Total, and Ari went to Europe, while Fang, Iggy, and Gazzy went to Hollywood. Max and the gang go to the Itex headquarters in Germany, where there is an Omega named super-mutant. Ari tries to help Max fight him, but then his expiration date begins and he suddenly dies in Max's arms, only live until the age of seven. When his father creates another clone from him, Ari returns at Nevermore, appearing with another Eraser with the intention to expel Fang's Gang. Several times he tried to kill Fang, but in the end he was killed forever. Dr. Hans Gunther-Hagen
Gunther-Hagen is a scientist who met Flock at Fang, where he introduced Dylan to the whole herd. He is the main antagonist in both Fang , Angel , and then
He's Dylan's manager until Dylan joins Flock.
In Maximum Ride Forever , he is known as Remedy and built a large underground shelter in Russia known as Himmel. He developed a serum known as an "enhancement" that turned his subject into "Horseman", increasing it genetically, making them stronger and enhancing their senses but erasing their free will. He allowed the meteors to attack the earth in Nevermore and kill millions in an attempt to root out genetic "imperfections" to fill the earth with his "perfect" genetic creations. He uses his Rider to kill an imperfect mutant that is still alive on earth, including a flock of sheep. He desperately tried to kill Max and his growing baby to keep his imperfect genes spread, but was later killed by Max when he dropped him over the ocean.
Dr. Valencia Martinez
Dr. Valencia Martinez is a Hispanic vet who lives in Arizona and helps Max when he (Max) is injured in The Angel Experiment after helping Dr. Hendrix's daughter. Valencia, Ella, escaped from a bully. When Dr. Martinez gives Max x-ray, Max discovers that there is a microchip embedded in his arm, which makes him believe that the School is tracking the herd with its microchip. In Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, Max goes to Dr. Martinez to move the microchip, where he was under the influence of Valium for the first time and confessed his feelings to Fang. Max then lost the use of his arm. Dr. Martinez is a strong-willed woman who works hard to help Max. It is then revealed that it was he who donated the eggs that created Max, making his mother Max. He also has a pet dog named Magnolia. In Final Warning, the Flock gives an opportunity to go to Antarctica to help a group of scientists who are trying to save the world as well. In the following book, Max, Martinez was taken hostage on a submarine, which led to a rescue mission by Flock and some of the good scientists they met in Antarctica. Max trusts Dr. Martinez and trust his judgment, which enabled him to understand some of the things he was blind. We then learned that Dr. Valencia Martinez works with a white coat, and doctor Gunther-Hagen in the book Nevermore . When Fang returned after departing from Colorado, forming the Fang gang, betrayed by Kate and Star, arriving again, and being attacked by a copy of Ari's eraser failure, led by Ari's successful copy, and Jeb, hurting Jeb, he reveals that he was persuaded by Jeb, in a sort of mantra, but still not fully trusted by Angels' mind-reading skills before they went to a tropical paradise island with tree houses, used as a sanctuary made. by Dr. Valencia Martinez, and Nino Pierpont, the richest man in the world, among others. Valencia Martinez died when a huge tsunami struck. Ella Martinez
Ella is Dr.'s child. Martinez the other, making his half sister Max. Max met him at The Angel Experiment when he saved him from a bully. Ella escapes but Max gets shot and has to go to Ella's house for help. Ella proved to be reliable. At the end of Nevermore: The Final Maximum Ride Adventure, he has become a lover to Iggy. They started flirting at ANGEL, just before DoomsDay brainwashed Ella, and even got Iggy for a week or so. Like her mother, Ella sank when the tsunami hit.
"The Director" or Marian Janssen is the ITEX industry leader. In her appearance in the third book, she poses as Max's mother, to be under her skin and learn her greatest secret, to finally eliminate all "undeveloped" people. Max initially drops him from a height, but he sympathizes with her and rescues her.
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment generally receives positive reviews. The Library School Journal refers to the book as "an exciting SF thriller that is not entirely original but still interesting to read". Booklist describes it as "an action-packed cross between Gertrude Chandler Warner
The second book, Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever, was criticized for being "extremely anti-climax and rude," even though Total's character was praised for being "entertaining. " Book List delivered a positive review, praising Patterson's ability to write action scenes that changed the page and noted that he" soaked the tension with a startling humor. "It was also mentioned that fans of the first book would be" happy "with Erin Collazo Miller of praised the novel "fast", "fun character," and "interesting premise," but criticized the characters and the storyline for "lack of depth and development." The review said that "[a] more than 400 pages , the reader may wish them a little further into the plot and that more of their questions have been answered. "
Other works
OEL manga
Illustrated by Narae Lee and released by Yen Press, the first chapter of the original English manga adaptation came out in July 2008 in Yen Plus magazine. A free 22 page preview released on Comic Book Free Day (May 3, 2008). The first volume of the series was released on January 27, 2009, the second volume was released on October 27, 2009, the third volume was released on August 17, 2010, the fourth volume was released on April 26, 2011, the fifth volume was released on December 13, 2011, the sixth volume was released on December 11, 2012, the seventh volume was released on October 29, 2013, the eighth volume was released on July 29, 2014 and the ninth volume will be released on November 17, 2015, with one more volume after it is expected to be published. It's on the "Top 25 Manga" list in 2012.
Movie adaptation
In September 2007, it was announced that a movie would be made based on the series of Maximum Ride . James Patterson will be an executive producer. Avi Arad, who has worked in movies like Spider-Man and X-Men , will also be producing alongside Steven Paul. In an interview with James Patterson, it was revealed that Arad had planned the first two films. On August 7, 2008, it was announced that Columbia Pictures purchased the screen rights to the franchise. The film is scheduled for release 2010. Catherine Hardwicke is said to be direct and Don Payne will handle the script. In January 2010 it was announced that the film would go into pre-production. Hardwicke requested rewriting the script to include more action in the film and hire Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby for the job, which then delayed its release forecast until 2013. In February 2011, the Facebook Maximum Ride page posted that "The Maximum Ride Movie is Coming - In 3D! "And asked the Facebook fans who they want to play Max in the movie.
In a recent interview with USAToday, Patterson revealed that he hopes for a film adaptation. Patterson recorded an audition video created by fans from User-Based Checks, fan-driven casting initiatives for the upcoming Movie Maximum adaptation, among others in his USAToday interview, commented that "there's something like 9,000 Ride Maximum videos on YouTube, and some" They are also amazing. I also think we're closer to the movie than we ever did. I never know for sure in Hollywood, but it's definitely warm now. "
The film got into trouble in early 2012, when Catherine Hardwicke quit as film director. When asked about the possibility of a film still being made, Patterson claims he "... is very hopeful compared to somewhat depressed". The problem continues with the death of screenwriter Don Payne on March 26, 2013.
With the movie stalled in mid-2014, this series was submitted for adaptation into the web series by Collective Digital Studio. The sites attached to Patterson and Hachette claim that this series will begin in the second half of 2015.
The finished film, starring Allie Marie Evans as Maximum Ride, was released on Digital HD on August 30, 2016. This was adapted first half of The Angel Experiment. rated very bad by fans and critics alike. At the time of writing, the film had a 38% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Marvel Comic series
The Marvel Comics Adaption Max Ride: First Flight debuted on April 8, 2015. It featured the talents of Marguerite Bennett and Alex Sanchez. Followed by Max Ride: Ultimate Flight beginning in November 2015, and Max Ride: Final Flight beginning in September 2016. Together, this comic series adapts three books first of the series. There are significant differences from the books. Instead of bird wings, characters have wings made of metal alloys.
External links
- Official Website Rise Maximum
- Maxide Ride book page on James Patterson's Website
- Maximum Drive in Internet Movie Database
- Maximum Driving in User Based Painting
Source of the article : Wikipedia